I’m Josie
I’m a wife, mom and grandma who loves Jesus more than anything, and my family as a close second.
I am Swedish by birth, moved to the USA in my late teens and feel in love with an American named Brad. He’s the love of my life, and we’ve been serving Jesus together for almost 30 years,
Brad and I are the lead pastors of Uncommon Church in Euless, TX
We’ve been here since 2010, and we love seeing God move in our church family.
I head up our women’s ministry and ministry school, and together we are seeing God do beautiful things in our midst. And it’s so much fun that we get to do it together.
I’m a homebody who loves to travel, and when I’m not preaching or writing
you will find me hanging out with my grandson (who calls me ma-mo and I love it), cozied up on the couch with Brad, exploring cute coffee shops, or in search of the nearest body or water.
Ministry has taken us all around the world, doing missions, preaching the Gospel, and working with anti-trafficking.
We’ve lived in four different countries, and even lived on the road as traveling evangelists for a while. (with all there kids and a worship team in an RV… It’s a longer story for another time - let’s just call it a learning experience lol)
I see life as a God adventure
More than anything, at the end of my days I want to love Jesus more than ever, know that my kids are walking with the Lord, and hear ‘well done’ from my Father in heaven.
I believe God wants us to know him intimately and personally and live a life that is marked by his love and presence. I want to spend my life helping others live in that reality.